Paste your text below to get the word count.


All Text
Words: 0
Sentences: 0
Paragraphs: 0
Characters: 0

Selected Text
Words: 0
Sentences: 0
Paragraphs: 0
Characters: 0

What is Word Count HQ?

WordCountHQ is a free online word count service that helps you to analyse and improve your text.

Whether you're a writer, student, blogger, or professional, this online tool is designed to effortlessly track the number of words, sentences, and paragraphs in your text. With the convenience of both typing and pasting options, you can easily analyze your content. Our user-friendly interface ensures a seamless experience, making it the go-to tool for anyone seeking accurate and efficient word counting.

Our service goes beyond the basics by providing secondary counters for selected text. Simply highlight a portion of your content with your mouse, and in an instant, you'll receive specific word, sentence, and paragraph counts for that selection. This advanced feature allows you to assess and compare different sections within your work, saving you valuable time and effort.

The applications for our word counting service are diverse and invaluable. Writers and bloggers can easily keep track of their article lengths to meet specific word count requirements, ensuring that their content fits perfectly on various platforms. For students and academics, analyzing the structure of their essays or research papers becomes a breeze, enhancing the overall writing quality. Professionals can utilize our service for drafting concise emails, precise reports, or even character-limited social media posts. From content creation to proofreading, our word counting service empowers users with precise data, facilitating greater productivity and enhancing the overall writing process.

Using the Change Case functionality you can change or correct any capitilization errors or 'casing' as it is commonly referred to. Case changes can be applied to the full text or only a selection, as required.